Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello 2012!

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I last blogged. Someone has been "very busy"...ahem... Anyhow, I have loads to tell you. It's been about six months since I last posted and quite a bit has happened. Here's a quick recap...

Summer was fun. I got a new bed (because, you know, five just doesn't cut it) and spent a lot of time suntanning on my balcony. Mom and dad went on a trip in eastern Canada (Ottawa, Montréal and Québec City) but I didn't get to go. Luckily Aunty Sandra and Gamma looked after me. They made sure I had lots of treats and wet food. I might have gained a little weight but that's okay. More of me to love, right?

Autumn was also exciting. We got a new carpet and coffee table for the living room. I was really afraid of the carpet at first but now I love it. And the coffee table is the perfect colour to camouflage me. I like to hide in it and attack unsuspecting passersby.

Winter...let me tell awesome! So, I live with my mom and dad who are absolutely perfect for each other. Seriously. I sometimes gag at the cute overload. And it's really annoying because I don't like having a bad taste in my mouth. Well, at the end of November dad asked mom to be his forever love. That's right...he proposed!! And she said yes!! (Duh!) I knew all about his "master plan" and it certainly was a master plan. He surprised her with a trip to Victoria and booked a gold suite at the Empress Hotel. Are you "empressed" yet?? Heehee Anyways, in the privacy of the hotel room, overlooking the harbour with the Oh-So-Romantic Norah Jones playing, he popped the question. I was even part of the proposal. See, he used photos to ask...since they both love photography. He made a series of photos asking her to marry him and the last photo was a picture of me saying "Please?". As in, Will You Marry Me Please? Super romantic! I'm getting verklempt...

Okay. Enough with the mushy stuff and back to me. Mom says she'll help me blog more often. So check back once in a while...there just might be an update from Chez Picklebottom!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Go Canucks Go!!

Wednesday. Game 7. We can do it. Don't stop believin'!

Don't Stop Believin'! by Journey

Three Canucks photos credited to:
1. Jonathan Hayward - The Canadian Press
2. Harry How - Getty Images
3. Harry How - Getty Images

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Guess what day it is today? That's's my birthday!! A whole entire day to celebrate me! Although, really, mom and dad celebrate me every day. Birthdays are just another way of getting more treats and presents.

You're probably wondering what this picture is of. It's me with a gnome hat on my back. Why is it on my back you ask? Because I'm a cat. And cats don't wear hats so mom had to place it on my back for the photo. (Thanks mom)

Technically, we don't know when my actual birthday is since I just sort of "found" my dad seven years ago. It was in the Spring, however, so we celebrate it on May 17th. Little known fact for some, this happens to be Norway's National Day. Mom and dad figured that since I'm a Norwegian Forest Cat this was a good idea. Works for me!

In honour of my special day, mom made my favourite treat. This was something we created to submit to my friend Puglet's cookie book. Pretty cool, huh? He lives in San Francisco and is super awesome. He also sent me birthday wishes all the way from the City by the Bay! Thanks Puglet!

Behold: Ingredients for my Amazingly Delicious Amuse-Bouche

All of my most favourite foods. Portuguese buns, cheese and tuna! Plus some oat grass for fibre or something. And that little mouse by the tuna? That's my new toy. Mouse-a-Roni & Cheese. Heehee Okay, back to the snacks. Here are the finished kitty hors d'oeuvres...

Fancy, aren't they? And super yummy!!

Thanks for another great birthday, mom and dad!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Is In The Air...

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been a little crazy here at Chez Picklebottom. Mom and dad have been so busy with work they haven't had any extra time to blog with me. Luckily, Spring is here and things are calming down a little. Now I'll be able to share my insights and adventures with you again. Stay tuned...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hands Off My Cigar! was supposed to sew dad's button on his jacket today. She's been meaning to do it for, like, 6 weeks now. I don't know what the holdup is. And I don't know why dad can't do it. It must be pretty difficult or something. Well, mom "forgot" again. Oops! But she did remember to get something for me. Yes, ME!

I got a new treat!! It smells REALLY good! It gave me lots of energy and kept me amused for a whole hour. And then it got taken away. See...apparently it's not so much a "treat" as it is a toy. I wasn't supposed to eat it but I couldn't help myself. I'm a little confused though. I've seen people with cigars before and they keep them in their eat, right? Why else would they put them there?? Strange.

Well, at least I had fun while it was in my paws. It went missing under the couch a few times but mom was able to fish it out for me.

It was all fun and games until I "accidentally" ripped it open. Honest mistake, really. Needless to say, after I gobbled up some of the yummy stuff inside, my stogie was taken away from me.

Mom promised she would fix it but I'm not too sure that's going to happen. It looks a little more involved than sewing a button on a jacket. So...if you happen to see one of these, maybe you could do me a favour and pick one up?? I'll give you mad cuddles if you do!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do I Smell Portuguese Buns?!

Sticking with the theme of stuff that I like, I thought I would let you know that I have a thing for Portuguese buns. A HUGE thing. The first time I discovered them, I was playing Lord of the Rings Monopoly with my BFF Trish.

Wow. What a fun night that was. Games AND discovering a new tasty treat. Mom brought them out to have with soup and homous, neither of which were very interesting to me. But the buns. Let me tell you. They were soft and sweet and fluffy. And not in a dry way. In an "I need to gobble this all up right now" way. When I thought no one was looking , I quickly grabbed one...

Everyone was so surprised they didn't take it away from me. Well...until I had eaten half of it. There was talk of me getting sick or something. I don't know. I wasn't listening. Just trying to figure out how to get my bun back.

So, now, every time mom and dad bring home Portuguese buns, I get one. Not all at once, mind you. But over the course of a few days, I get my very own bun. 

Here's how it goes...

1. A bowl of buns are placed in front of me and I get to choose the one I want. (Not as easy as it sounds. I have fine-tuned my bun-choosing skills to pick out the biggest and best)

2. Quickly eat as much as I can before it gets taken away.

3. Ensure my bun gets wrapped up tight so it doesn't get dry. It's also important to have my bun labeled so there is absolutely no confusion as to who it belongs to.

My bun fix has been filled and I'm off to sleep happily knowing there is plenty more for tomorrow :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Introducing...Cocktail Wiener Dog!

I want to tell you all about the things that make me happy. There are so many different things I like, and we'll get to each of them eventually. Today I want to tell you about my wiener dog friend. I guess you could also call him a "toy" but mom and dad like to refer to him as my friend. And, I think this is pretty accurate because I always like to have him with me.

My BFF, Trish, gave him to me for XMAS and I love him! (Thanks Trish!!) When I first got him, he smelled REALLY yummy!! I actually found him under the tree before XMAS. I couldn't wait until the 25th so mom and dad let me open my prezzie early. Yippee!! We had lots of fun racing around with each other. Unfortunately, things got a little rough one day and wiener dog lost an ear...

Uh oh! He's fine though. It adds character, don't you think??

So now I'm a little more gentle with him. I don't want him to lose another appendage (although his left ear is looking a little ratty tatty...) Now, I usually just use him as a pillow when I sleep. I like having my head raised.

So that's my friend. He's pretty cool. Oh, and if you enlarge the top photo and look closely, you'll see mom and dad taking pictures of me!